Sunday, November 05, 2017

Released new version 17.91
Whats New?
  1. Applied back color in youtrader will be applicable to all data sheets. You can change the back color using Columns >> Back Color
  2. Now you can change back color in Bar Charts as well. Option available in Menu
  3. New UScript variable “inIndex”. You can use this in Uscript in case you want to filter only Indexs like
    5WHA+ & inIndex
  4. In MiView, you can use Value “@%” if you want to calculate current market price difference in % with respect to previous column Value.
Happy Trading !!!


Unknown said...

No version update available from November 2017.

Unknown said...

i intrested call me 7069544275


option chain call & putt data avelibale

my contect no