Sunday, November 05, 2017

Released new version 17.91
Whats New?
  1. Applied back color in youtrader will be applicable to all data sheets. You can change the back color using Columns >> Back Color
  2. Now you can change back color in Bar Charts as well. Option available in Menu
  3. New UScript variable “inIndex”. You can use this in Uscript in case you want to filter only Indexs like
    5WHA+ & inIndex
  4. In MiView, you can use Value “@%” if you want to calculate current market price difference in % with respect to previous column Value.
Happy Trading !!!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

YouTrader downloads not available for some technical issues.  We will back as soon as we fix it.

Thanks for the support.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Version 17.1 

Whats New

Intra Simulation
Now you can simulate market after hours and you can use all your strategy anytime in between.

How to use it?
  1. After market hours, mostly after 3:45PM, backfill YouTrader using Intra >> Backfill YouTrader menu.
  2. Once Backfilled, Click Intra >> Simulation
  3. Use Refresh menu to start refresh Or you can use Space Bar button to Refresh for one minute. Each refresh will refresh next one minute data.
  4. You can stop refresh any time and can apply your strategies till that time only.
  5. All Alerts will be working in Simulations.
  6. You Start Simulation from beginning using Intra >> Simulate Again.
  7. Use UFilters to check your strategies using Simulation
  8. In Auto running simulation, you can stop simulation by pressing Space Bar.
Changes in Following UScript Functions
Now YouTrader keep track of one minute data through out the day. In case you started YouTrader after market start then use Intra >> Backfill YouTrader to fill one minute data in YouTrader. Do this even you pause the YouTrader for more than one minute in running Market.

Click the Image Below and check the number of UScript functions affected because of this change. In case you are already using these functions then you have to make necessary changes in your UScript.

Happy Trading...