Saturday, July 18, 2020

YouTrader Working.

Apologize for delay posting here.

In past days I received many mails asking if YouTrader working. Let me tell you that Youtrader never stopped and users are using every day. Yes, there were some server issues two years back but that did not last more than a week. Last two years, it never stopped a single day.

Some antivirus blocking Youtrader as there is no digital certificate attached to YouTrader, So I continuously submitting False Positive on antivirus website but still sometime it stop running Youtrader in system. The solution is that go to antivirus settings and Exclude YouTrader folder so antivirus will not scan the folder again and will allow YouTrader to run.

Just Google "How to Exclude folder in Antivirus". Mention your Antivirus name as well so you will get detailed steps.

Hope this helps. Happy Trading!!!

Thanks & Regards.