Monday, September 14, 2015

How to check Gainer, Loser, Gap-up and Gap-Down Stocks

YouTrader has Sorting power and so you can quickly sort all YouTrader Stocks in one click by ascending or descending.

To check Gainer or Loser, Click on Change% which in marked yellow in screen below. In first click, all major Gainer in YouTrader will appear at the top as shown in Screen1 and looser at bottom. But you don't have to scroll down to check Losers, simply click Change% again within 10 seconds and all losers will appear at top as shown in Screen2. If you click Change% after 10 Seconds then again Gainer will appear at top.



To check Gap-Up and Gap-Down, use same sorting feature on OC%. This is nothing but the Today's Open with Last Day Close in % value.  If OC% not there in your YouTrader screen then add it using Columns Settings.

You can also filter out this using UScript. If you think Gainer is stock above 3% and Loser the stock below -4% then you can use following UScript in Free Filter

Change% > 3
Change% < -4

Similar for Gap Up and Gap Down

OC% > 2
OC% < 3

Check Help for more about UScript

Enjoy Trading with YouTrader.

-- Author
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Ajay Kothari said...

Hi. how to use Last Day Open and Last Day Close ? Say for eg. ( LDO > LDC AND OC% > 1)

author said...


Unknown said...

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