Friday, September 04, 2015

Released new version 15.5

YouTrader is thin, live Windows desktop stock analysis tool for traders in Indian stock market to analyze the stocks. This is very different tool than other traditional tools available in market. Perfect for Investor and Trader.

What's new 
  1. % Tracker Hourly under Scan menu. This can shows gain/loss of all YouTrader stocks hourly. You can sort quickly to check what rise and fall in particular hour.
  2. 4DMA, 4DMA% & 3x31DMA% in % Tracker Daily under Scan menu
  3. 4DMA%, 3x31DMA% in DMA Tracker, accessible through Excel menu and Right Click menu
  4. Right Click options in AmiBroker Feed screen
  5. Volume feed along with price in AmiBroker
  6. Improved in performance.
For Existing User.
Please delete DB & DB2 folder if exists in YouTrader installed folder. YouTrader will create and use DB3 folder onward. 

How to upgrade?
  1. Run YouTrader, It will ask to upgrade and continue upgrade. It is just about a MB setup and may take less than 30 seconds to upgrade.
  2. If 1st option fail to upgrade or you don't have YouTrader installed on machine then Go to and download setup and install.
For any doubt, reply to this email or Go to Help & YouTrader! Messenger, Write your message and click Send. You will get the response in same window latter.

Now don't miss your trade. Trade with YouTrader

Thanks & Regards,
Author, YouTrader


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